About Me

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Stockbridge , Massachusetts , United States

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cat Lady 6

How can I forget this cat-lover not to be part of my collection of Cat Ladies.
So here it is:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Laundry Day

It's a little antique laundromat here at Stockbridge MA. It's a place open to public to  use.
I understand it's old and they want to keep it that way, because this little town it's all about that. This is why a lot of tourist people come to visit. But I personally think they could keep it more clean and just add a couple "new" but with an old look you know what I mean.
I've mention to my husband before, sometimes I wish to work there just to cleaned it up and make it look pretty vintage ;)
So  I'll wait when weather is warmer and I promise I'll do a fun photo shoot  to show you guys how the place looks like from outside and other details the are around in the inside :) 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cat Lady 5

Cat Lady 1

So my first "Cat Lady" : (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=366539300041705&set=pb.270935676268735.-2207520000.1367586409.&type=3&theater didn't have a cat so I decided to create a "Cat Lady 1" :) I'll be posting later my new " Cat Lady 5" to add to my collection of Cat ladies ♥

Mi primera fotografia "Cat Lady" no tenia un gatito asi que decidi crear "Cat Lady 1" y mas tarde les mostrare mi nueva foto "Cat Lady 5" para agregar a mi coleccion de estas mujeres y gatos ♥